Friday, September 09, 2005

My Adventures Update

Yahoo Group Name

I appreciate everyone’s feedback in my efforts to find a suitable name for the Yahoo Group. Although most of the names which were provided were… interesting and unique, I had decided on a simple name for it. OngOngGedekGedekGedek is such a B#*ch for one to be typing, when one is in a hurry.

As such, I had named the Group, katakmns, Mr. Originality I am not.

Hit & Run

The cheek of it! The culprit, a week ago, had filed a report with Traffic Bandaraya that someone had rammed his car. The identify of the culprit is finally revealed, however Traiffic need some time to investigate the matter due to the contrasting reports from both parties.

Culprit claimed that he was hit by an unknown vehicle, in which he couldn’t identify what type of car it was, in an incident which took place late in the evening.

Culprit is so full of shit, as according to Lawyer friend, her car was hit in the morning and she has witnesses to prove it.


Zed said...

it bugs me to think that we have not reached a point where we could own up to our own mistakes.

and the worst of it all, we never get the "satisfaction" due to us when we make a report.

sorry to hear about the H&R, but as so many others that didn't actually involve a life, it will take its natural course and dissipates. hate to be pessimistic but have had enuff encounters to be realistic.


an0nymous-ign0ranus said...

shux, i was hoping for kakikatak. sungguh sedap.

need help with the Hit and Run case? nak hantar orang gi pukul? of course this should be the very very very last resort.

Fiza said...

zed - we're a mordern country with a 3rd world mentality.

babe - if it does come to THAT, then you're the first person I'l call. =)

silent - no worries there. if i'm drunk, checking my e-mails is the last thing i would be doing.

madnessinvain said...

Bro, nama tu kira original la tu. On the hit and run thingy, the culprit sure koyak.

Fiza said...

MiV: tengkiu, tengkiu..